Please don't wait until your children are perfectly behaved, your legs are a wonderfully waxed or your thighs are trim, taught and terrific. And definitely don't wait until your house is tidy or bigger or more stylish. While those days may indeed arrive, there is every chance they won't and all the while precious day after day of connections are going undocumented. The daily heart wrenching love for your children, the daily mess on the floor they've created. Stop for a moment and see how many moments make up just one day of this sweet imperfectly perfect life. My job is to create fine art images out of everyday circumstance and locations. While sunset or lake sessions are beautiful, there is nothing more heart stopping than a story series from your actual life, in your actual home or your favourite places where you make your actual memories. Stop and allow yourself to celebrate you, Mama, and all you have done for your babes. That incredible and irreplaceable connection between you and your child/ren is wall worthy every single day.